Updating List Column Names via CSOM

Looking to rename list columns programmatically? Couldn’t be easier:

// Site
string webUrl = "https://my-Site.sharepoint.com/";
// Username
string userName = "my.name@my-Site.onmicrosoft.com";
// Password
SecureString password = new SecureString();

// Running in context of our site
using (var context = new ClientContext(webUrl))
// Credentials
context.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(userName, password);
// List name
List myList = context.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Documents");
// Site column in particular
Field siteCol = myList.Fields.GetByTitle("Title");
// Give it a new name
siteCol.Title = "Document Name";
// Update the column
// Update the list
// Execute!


Populate SharePoint Hosted Add-In Lists with Data

I’ve been tinkering with a simple SharePoint Hosted Add-In the last few days that required an assets library to come pre-populated with a collection of images.

A quick google seemed to only return results that referred to lists so I thought I’d put something out there that covered both!

Continue reading “Populate SharePoint Hosted Add-In Lists with Data”

Both X and X contain a file that deploys to the same package location

Ran into this error today. It consumed an embarrassing amount of time to fix. I have been close to chucking computers out the window before, but today was a new record.

So for some reason when I tried to publish or deploy my SharePoint app project I was greeted with:

—— Build started: Project: AddinTest, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ——
C:\Users\[REDACTED]\Source\Workspaces\SharePoint Test App\AddinTest\AddinTest\Features\Feature1\Feature1.feature : error : The following file can not be found: “C:\Users\[REDACTED]\Source\Workspaces\SharePoint Test App\AddinTest\AddinTest\Content\bootstrap-datetimepicker-build.less”.
========== Build: 0 succeeded or up-to-date, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========
========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========

Continue reading “Both X and X contain a file that deploys to the same package location”